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Packaging machinery industry development momentum is better

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Packaging machinery industry development momentum is better

Date:2015-05-13 00:00 Source:http://www.jzjdff.com Click:

Packaging machinery can not only improve productivity, reduce labor intensity, but also adapt to the needs of large-scale production, and meet the requirements of cleaning and sanitation, so that packaging machinery has an indispensable position in the field of food processing. At the end of 1970s, China's packaging machinery industry began to start, the annual output value of only 80 million yuan, only more than 100 varieties of products. But now, it is estimated that by 2015, China's paper packaging products can reach 3,600 tons, in 2000, the product categories as many as 3,700, the annual output value of 30 billion yuan.

At present, China's packaging machinery industry cannot be compared with that of other countries. China has become the world's largest producer and exporter of commodities. At the same time, the global attention is also focused on the fastest growing, largest and most promising Chinese packaging market. The greater the opportunity, the stronger the competition, although China's packaging machinery industry product level has reached a new level, began to appear the trend of scale, set, automation, transmission complex, high technical content of equipment also began to appear. It can be said that China's machinery production has met the basic domestic demand, and began to southeast Asia and the third world countries export.

However, in order to adapt to the market demand, China's packaging machinery industry has come to a crossroads, the transformation and adjustment of the packaging machinery industry has to think about the problem. It is the general trend to develop towards the direction of high-speed, multi-functional and intelligent development, to go on the road of high sophistication, to catch up with the footsteps of developed countries and to go out.

China's packaging machinery industry has shown a strong momentum of development, and manufacturers are increasingly focused on the development of fast, low-cost packaging equipment, equipment to small, flexible, multi-purpose, high-efficiency direction. And through the imitation, the introduction of technology and capital and the globalization of procurement and other ways, the packaging machinery manufacturing level can be rapidly developed. It is believed that China's packaging machinery industry, which has unlimited potential, will shine brilliantly on the international stage.



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