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Introduction to cleaning of can sealing machine

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Introduction to cleaning of can sealing machine

Date:2016-04-11 00:00 Source:http://www.jzjdff.com Click:

Can sealing machine by motor, pulley, spindle, lock pad, column, lifting table, right roller, concave wheel shaft and CAM, transmission, gear rack and other components. Check whether the seal ring on the piston of the paste filling machine is damaged. If it is damaged, please replace it. Make sure the piston and piston rod are fastened. Whether the piston is in the center of the cylinder aluminum bracket. Clean the dust and dirt in the vacuum pump chamber once every six months, clean the fan engine cover, fan wheel, ventilation grilles and cooling fins (clean with compressed air). Replace the exhaust filter, clean or replace the intake filter (clean with compressed air) once a year. Replace vacuum pump oil and oil filter every 500-2000 hours.
The filling and sealing equipment requires reverse directional filling of plastic bottles, which is then sent to the conveying track for filling and sealing between the bottle body and the bottom cover. Because too much liquid in the sealing place will seriously affect the sealing quality or leakage, in order to ensure the sealing quality, the filling head of the liquid needs to be able to rise synchronously with the filling level. Semi-automatic piston filling machine drives a piston through the cylinder to extract and hit the material with a one-way valve to control the material flow direction, with magnetic spring switch to control the cylinder stroke, filling volume can be adjusted.

Canning machine, canning machinery, canning equipment, canning equipment, canning production line



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