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Jiujiang xingda can machinery co., LTD

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Can sealing machine should pay attention to the use of the problem!

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Can sealing machine should pay attention to the use of the problem!

Date:2015-08-07 00:00 Source:http://www.jzjdff.com Click:

Can sealing machine is a single head automatic can sealing machine with two pairs of coiling and sealing wheels. The advanced automatic capping mechanism is more safe and reliable than the traditional capping mechanism, and it is the ideal equipment for the sealing of solid cans in canning food factory and beverage factory.

1. Each turn of the sealing drum rotary table is 12 stations (that is, 12 equal parts). The splitter parameters and deceleration parameters listed in the table of purchased parts are for reference only, as they need to be determined according to the output per minute required by the user.

2. A certain amount of butter (molybdenum disulfide grease) is always kept in the gearbox.

3. Refueling once for the American class with yellow nozzle.

4. Oil seal covers shall be provided on both sides of the anisotropic bearing (head 6).

No. 5. A round pin # 24 Φ 8 should be pressed into, with a thin spring steel slice of Z (surface grinding machine after grinding flat thickness d = 0.5 + 0.5), is used to adjust the clearance between the d = 0.03 0.05, and often lubrication.

6. Before installing needle roller bearings and cylindrical roller bearings, grease each ring.

7. Part 41 # plane bearing shall also be greased in use.

8. Shape and structure of canister sealing roller and roller shaft are for reference only.

9 turntable material is hard plastic, global bakelite or aluminum alloy plate, one is not magnetic absorption, two is easy to process and maintain accuracy, three is not deformation, please choose reasonable.

10. For cans of different diameters, rotary discs and pressure heads with different positioning arcs shall be used.

11. The automation and coordination of electrical appliances, segmentation, transposition and cylinders are controlled by PLC and designed by electrical engineers.

12. Additionally, make a conveyor belt without motor, which is used for emptying the tank at the inlet side, about 2mm in length.

13. The protective cover and door can be made according to the machine base and refer to the video.

14. The electronic sensor assembly at the dead point of the rotary table no. 112 # may be empty on the table below the rotary table to install the induction photocell, or refer to this general drawing or video to make a seat installation, which shall be decided by the electrical engineer.



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